A Couple of Debian 7 to Debian 8 Gotchas 

Decided on a whim to use some down time this morning to upgrade my server from Debian 7 to Debian 8. As usual, I ran into a few issues that I wasn’t anticipating (but should have been).


In Debian 8, Varnish is upgraded from 3.x to 4.x. I probably should have paid more attention to that. For me, it meant a couple of things needed to change:

Apache 2

Debian 8 brought Apache up to Apache 2.4, and a handful of things changed that impacted me.

Those were the big ones that bit me. I also had to manually stop varnish, do an

apt-get upgrade; apt-get autoremove

then restart varnish to get apt to run without errors (it was borking on some stale varnish process it seemed.

All things that could have been avoided if I’d done any planning ahead of upgrading my server. But in the end, I’m happily running on Debian 8, and everything seems to be working as expected.