2008 Top Ten: #1 -- Tokyo Police Club "Your English is Good" 

Yep. A song that's technically about 18 months old wins. Because it's *that* awesome.

Off of their first full length album, Elephant Shell, Tokyo Police Club put together the best song of 2008. It's bouncy, pulsing, and fricking awesome.

It's a sea of shouts, hand claps, keyboards, jangly guitars, and drums. Live, it's just a fantastic thing to see:

Ok, so it kinda sucks that this really came out in '07 as a single, but it was on an '08 album. So it counts. (If you want to disqualify this one, you can pick something off of Vampire Weekend's album to take its place.)

Anyway, '09 is just around the corner and it promises new songs from A.C. Newman, which means you'll likely be listening to one of those songs on this next year. But for now, enjoy Tokyo Police Club!

Your English Is Good - Tokyo Police Club