Upcoming Rock Shows
27 Dec 2006I likes the rock music. I likes to go to the rock shows from time to time. Every once in awhile, I go through the local listings and ID some shows I want to take in. There's some good shows coming up.
Kay Hanley at TT the Bear's! (1/3)
Bleu at TT the Bear's! (1/27)
Dear Leader and Taxpayer at the Paradise! (2/9)
Stellastarr* at the Middle East Downstairs! (2/16)
That's four really good shows! I bet they all cost $10 or less! How can you go wrong?
You can keep track of cool shows by watching this Google Calendar link. It's the "Shows I Want To Go To And You Would Be My Bestest Friend In The Whole World If You Took Me" link.